Governors Information

A message from Anna McCormack, Chair of Governors                                              

Dear parents and guardians,

A very warm welcome to all the new pupils, families, and staff members joining us for the 2024/25 academic year. To our returning members of the St George family, welcome back to another exciting school year. There's a lot to look forward to, including a new phase of building works starting next summer.

As Chair of Governors, I am incredibly proud of the Governing Body and Leadership Team here at St George. We are fortunate to have a group of knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated volunteer governors who work closely with Mr. Habberley and his leadership team to ensure the best possible outcomes for our school and its pupils.

I am thrilled to share that our pupils have once again achieved outstanding GCSE and vocational results. This year, 86% of students secured a grade 4 or higher in both English and Maths, and 70% achieved grades 5-9 in these subjects. Our internal estimate indicates a progress score of +0.77, meaning, on average, pupils at St George performed more than half a GCSE grade higher than expected across their subjects.

Parents have shared many wonderful comments about the education and care their children receive at St George, and I'd like to highlight just a few:

  • "Caring, supportive, priceless teachers who share their experiences, knowledge, and time, ensuring students receive the best education and life skills to continue their learning journey and accomplish their dreams. Thank you with all my heart."
  • "I will be forever grateful that both my children attended St George. They have received excellent teaching from wonderful staff, and I will miss being part of this community."
  • "The staff at St George go above and beyond their duty to maximise outcomes for children. The support offered in preparation for exams far surpasses anything I've seen or heard of at other schools."
  • "I am incredibly grateful for the education and Catholic ethos my children have benefited from at St George, and I thank all the staff for their consistent dedication to my children and their education."

We continue to invest in improving our school's physical infrastructure. Following the successful completion of our state-of-the-art Science and Technology facility, the new permanent Geography department, and resurfaced 4G sports pitches, we eagerly await confirmation of the start date for the next phase of building works. This will include a brand-new library/resource centre, an expanded chapel at the heart of the school, improved kitchen and dining facilities, and a more welcoming, secure reception area showcasing our Aspire values and mission statement.

Our Catholic ethos and unique Aspire values are at the heart of St George's community, guiding us in all we do. They play an essential role in safeguarding, pastoral care, and every aspect of student wellbeing.

As we begin this new academic year, I hope we can continue supporting one another within our St George family and Aspire to become all that God has created us to be.

I look forward to hearing from parents, guardians, staff, and students with any comments, questions, or concerns.

With best wishes,

Anna McCormack
Chair of Governors 


Anna McCormack Chair of Governors 
Roger Peplow Vice-Chair and Chair of the Curriculum Committee
Nick Guyer Vice-Chair and Chair of the Finance & Resources Committee
Jeanine Bonavia Clerk to the Governing Body

Foundation Governors

Other Governors

Anna McCormack                            

Sarah Davis (Parent)
Nick Guyer Stephen Fenn (Parent)
Fr Anthony Chiatu James Habberley (Ex Officio)
Richard Avery Roger Peplow (LA)
Bernadette Holloway Rebecca Heneghan (Staff)
Lorraine Swann Kate Paradine (Associate Member) - no voting rights
Michael Wood