Governor Building Fund
Phase 2 Building Improvements - Front of School
The college is working closely with Southampton City Council and the Diocese of Portsmouth to make major improvements to the front and centre of the school. The work is due to start soon and will deliver a brand-new library/resource centre, an enlarged chapel right at the heart of the school, improved kitchen and dining areas, and a more welcoming, secure, and attractive reception area, showcasing our Aspire values and mission statement.
This new building is an exciting project that will benefit the whole of the Saint George community, and we need your help to make sure that it is a success.
Saint George Catholic College is a ‘Voluntary Aided’ school, which means that when the Government gives money for projects like the new building, the school is required to contribute 10% towards it. Parents can help the school to do this by making contributions towards our Building Fund via the ‘Governors Voluntary Fund’.
How you can help?
To make this area the best it can be we need your help!
You can do this by contributing to the Governors Voluntary Fund, knowing that every donation up until the building is operational will be used towards providing the equipment for the new building – particularly in the new library/resource centre.
We are initially asking for the families that can help us to give a voluntary contribution of £10 per month by standing order.
Contributions of more, or less than this are also very welcome, as are one off donations and corporate sponsorship ideas– please contact us if you are interested in doing this.
If you can help, please arrange a standing order via your bank:
- Account name: St George College – Governors A/C
- Sort Code: 30-80-27
- Account number: 23820860
- Bank: Lloyds
- Reference: BF + Your name (e.g. BF Mrs A Smith)
Alternatively, print and complete a standing order and gift aid form and return it to the school.