Catholic Life & Mission
Under the patronage of St George, all that we do is guided and led by our Catholic Ethos and is summarised in our mission statement “We ASPIRE to be all that God has created us to be”.
To us this means that we understand that each of us is unique and loved by God, and we are on a vocational journey so that students and staff deepen their faith through showing their commitment to Jesus Christ whilst being part of our family at St George and making the most of the gifts given to us by The Lord.
We believe that Jesus Christ is with us in everything we do; in our successes as well as in our failures, in our ordinary, everyday lives and in the special times as well. As staff we feel knowing our students personally and guiding each of them to achieve their full potential is key to our students' success. It’s about us as individuals, it’s about you….
Our ASPIRE values permeate every aspect of St George. Please see the table and information below that illustrates examples of how our Catholic faith is lived out through these values:
How our ASPIRE values are beings lived out at St George Catholic College:
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" I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7} |
“Our school helps us celebrate and acknowledge our achievements”
As a student I know my teachers really care about me because they provide additional intervention sessions for all subjects’ after school to support me to make progress in that subject which improves my confidence and wellbeing. If I can’t attend the intervention sessions then I am offered online tuition in some subjects. If I have an issue with the homework or what’s been covered in the lesson or I require information about an event or trip coming up all staff are accessible through MS Teams. We have a year group page as well which always has important information and helpful resources from our Progress Leader.
As a student at St George I have the opportunity to earn house points for anything connected with school. In assemblies each week we get an update on how our tutor group are doing and prizes get awarded each week. At the end of term, we have a reward assembly where lots of awards and certificates are handed out, my parents receive a report with the number of houses points I have received too. We also have half-termly reward hours. What I like about this is that house points are for all students and all abilities. I am also offered online tuition.
- Termly Reward Assemblies
- ½ Termly Reward Hours
- Year 7-10 Awards Evening
- Assemblies
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"Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength" (Deuteronomy 6:4) |
Grace: “The school encourages us to get closer to God”
Nora: “The school encourages us to find our spiritual self”
As a student at St George we pray every morning in tutor time as a tutor group. We take turns to lead prayers each morning. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday we say the Angelus at 12:15pm in our lessons. As a student in the GIFT team we help organise termly Masses for all year groups and our St George Day Mass. In our assemblies we help to raise money for the toilet twining charity to help support families abroad. In the past we have raised money for CAFOD and Mission to Seafarers by running a cake sale at lunchtimes, staff have run the London Marathon and on Romero Day lots of students set up stalls and we have an extended lunch. As a prefect in the chaplaincy team I give readings at our masses and help set them up. We all have access to the Sacraments and our College Chapel has the Blessed Sacrament.
- Day of Faith:
- Welcome Masses at the start of the year.
- Christmas end of Term Mass
- Lent Mass
- St George's Day Mass
- End of Academic year Masses. Saint Georges day Mass.
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Charles Marchetti Memorial Mass
- St John's Cathedral: Mission to Seafarers Mass
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"You must love your neighbour as yourself" (Mark 12:31) |
Jasmine: “Respect goes both ways between teachers and students in this school”
As a student at S George I am a member of the EARA (Equality & Rights Advocates Group). We help plan a whole school EARA day focusing on Equality and Respect. We help lead termly assemblies on key issues within Equality. Recently we led a number of assemblies during Black History Month and on plans for EARA day. We hope this makes Saint George a better family for all its students. There are four staff who are equality advocates who we can go to if we have questions or concerns. As a student I am supported by my tutor and progress leader on a daily basis. If I need any support mentally or physically there is a trained staff nurse and mental health nurse on site alongside the inclusion unit called Trinity who are all really approachable and kind.
As a school we have raised a lot of money for Local and international charities. We have provided food for our local Poitier Foodbank with collections, Mary's Meals through World Porridge Day in October and Romero Day in March for CAFOD and Hospice UK plus other international charities. We care about our environment, recently our Eco Committee and student council worked together on planning a Green Day in school. The money raised from it went purchasing ten recycle bins now in place around the site.
- Romero Day
- Anti-Bullying Week
- Pink Day
- Cultural Awareness Day
- EARA Day
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"Those who work hard will become the leaders" (Proverbs 12-24} |
Wisdom: “We are encouraged us to be independent in lots of areas of school life”
As a student at St George I am encouraged to take responsibility for my learning in lessons and work independently when asked too. I receive feedback in my books in my subjects which I respond to in green pen. When it comes to choosing my option subjects I have chosen subjects which I am really interested in. I am allowed to start these subjects in Year 9 which I find really helpful because I feel responsible enough to make these choices and motivated to pursue my interests. Our tutor publicizes every half-term all the enrichment opportunities on at lunchtimes or after-school. There is a wide variety of choices and I currently attend the Afro Caribbean Society with Ms Smallwood. My friends also do the Duke of Edinburgh award bronze award and I am aware other students have received the diocesan Faith in Action award through work in their parish. I really feel like the opportunities I have make me feel like I am cared for and challenged. As a student in my tutor group I take turns to lead tutor time prayers and the Angelus three times a week.
- Leading Prayer and Liturgy.
- Tutor Time Prayers
- Angelus
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"To be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:2-16) |
Grace: “The school looks to us to build relationships with one another”
As a prefect I support our younger students in Trinity by spending time with them in tutor time and at break and lunch playing games. My role is to build a relationship with the students because they struggle with developing social skills or have anxiety. I listen to their problems and try to help them. I try and act as role model for our younger students to be a friendly and supportive face for them. We are always on duty at break and lunch in various locations around the site.
As a student in Year 8 I represent my tutor group in Inter tutor competitions which are for students in Years 7-10. These are good opportunities to build relationships with other students in my tutor group or in the year that are not in my normal classes. Having been with the same students in my year group since Year 7 assemblies feel more special when we all sing the hymn together. We all say the prayer together and when there is a mass it’s with our year group. I don’t get embarrassed as I use to because we all sign the hymn together. In Year 7 we all attend a team building trip to Ninja warrior in the first term and complete a spirituality induction which helped me to build relationships with other students.
As a student and parish ambassador our lay chaplain Mr Walford is working with us to build better links within our parishes so that we can work as one community as the Bishop sets out in his vision.
The latest OFSTED report in Nov 2021 comments on the sense of family that exists at Saint George.
- Carol singing at local residents care home
- Mary's Meals Porridge Day
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"When we find happiness in all our achievements, this is a gift from God" (Ecclesiastes 3:13) |
Joshua: “Teachers try and introduce a fun aspect of learning into our lessons”
As a Year 9 student at St George I am enjoying my lessons studying the subjects I wanted to do. I have been given lots of choices to attend a wide-ranging enrichment programme including a number of residential trips. I am really looking forward to the ski trip.
I know my teachers are interested in how I feel about my lessons because they ask me every term about the subject and what areas I am enjoying and finding challenging. Every term there are opportunities to receive rewards in our termly reward assembly. There are also termly reward trips based on our attitude grades, attendance and the number of House Points we have earned. If we have done well or made significant progress we go on the reward trip. I find it helpful that my tutor, my and my parents meet every term to look at my report and how I can be supported going forward. I find St George to be a really warm and friendly school.
- Reward Trips:
- Overseas Trips
Bishop Philip Egan opening our new Science and Technology building.
St George Donations
Founder and CEO of Purple Community Fund, Jane Walker thanks our students for our recent donation of £337 which has been used to replace the shoes of students in Africa who lost their school uniform in a recent fire.
The video link shows the impact the money raised has had on people who are supported by the purple community fund.
Vatican Responds to St George Pupils
Exciting news: Students in 8CA1 and 8CB1 sent some of their work to His Holiness, Pope Francis in November 2022 and have now received a reply! Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si (Care for Our Common Home), they researched a social issue they felt passionate about and then wrote their own encyclical outlining why Catholics should try to help. They gave evidence from the Bible as well as Catholic Social Teaching and used persuasive language to convince readers they had to help solve the issue. They were so proud of their work that they felt Pope Francis and Bishop Philip might like to read it too so Mrs Knight sent it to them... We have now had letters from both congratulating students on their thoughtful writing. We are so happy that Pope Francis and Bishop Philip have taken the time to read their work and send us their blessings.
Download the letter below or by clicking on the image abve