
Attending school is vital to your child’s academic, wellbeing and wider development, which is why the school has the necessary attendance procedures that should be followed by those to attend the school.

The school recognises and understands that there may be valid reasons for unplanned absences (sickness), in which case, parents/ carers must notify the school’s attendance officer on the first day of absence by 8:30am.

School Attendance Officer: Mrs Sally Odam 

Contact Number: 02380322603 (option 1)

Email Address:

If there is a planned absence (such as a medical or dental appointment), parents/ carers should notify the school’s attendance officer in advance.

Permission for leave-of-absence to students during term time is only granted by the headteacher if he considers there to be “exceptional circumstances”.

In order to request a leave-of-absence, the parent or legal guardian must complete a leave-of-absence form (found below) well in advance of the requested dates or date and submit this to the headteacher. The school’s attendance officer will then notify the parent/legal guardian of the outcome.