Apprenticeship News

Virtual Apprenticeship Careers Fair – Wednesday 27th January 2021

Hi all,

As we are entering the next stage of your journey with us at St George, we have to try and look forward to life beyond St George and ask you to educate yourselves into areas of employment.

With work experience not going ahead it is still important to provide you with opportunities to experience things in the big wide world. Therefore, I ask as many of you as possible to just take the time to look into this potential area.

There is a fantastic opportunity on Wednesday 27th January 2021 to engage in a virtual apprenticeship fair and listen to employers from a range of companies such as HSBC, Nestle and AstraZeneca (a company who are supporting one of the vaccines) talk about the job opportunities and prospect their company can present.

This is an external event that we are promoting therefore if you have more questions please try to find the answer out on the website first but then ask if you were struggling. Please do ask if there are any issues as we are keen to support you onto your preferable path in the future.

To book an appointment you will need to visit the website, select any of the companies you are interested in and then enter the relevant details before booking your place.

I believe the format of the talk will be where a person from that company’s broadcasts (like a MS teams Assembly) to you and the other listen. From this I expect them to talk through a bit about their company, what work they are doing at the moment and what jobs are typically available in that company.


Any further questions on this or you feel you might benefit from a careers appointment please email myself, your tutor or

Yours sincerely,


Mr Copplestone

Year 10 Progress Leader and Teacher of Physical Education