Important Covid information
Monday 2nd November 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Today we were informed that over the half term holiday a Year 10 pupil tested positive for COVID-19. The student is well and should make a full recovery. They pupil is self-isolating for 10 days as per the national guidance. There is no risk to your son/daughter or staff at St George Catholic College.
The school remains open and your child should continue to attend.
We have worked closely with the Department of Education hotline to risk assess the case and to decide what actions are needed; and then separately with Public Health England regionally for a second opinion on the process we have followed and the decisions that we made. Both organizations were clear that no action is required as the student developed symptoms on 28th October and therefore was not in contact with anyone other than his immediate household during the infectious period.
I feel we should be transparent about it as we have throughout this process. We wish to reassure you that we are acting fully on all the advice we have received and that no further action is required.
We are very proud of the work we have done to make our school as secure as it can be, to the maturity shown by our students and the high standards and consistency maintained by our staff. We will continue to look after our family and make sure that we balance our overriding priority of keeping everyone safe alongside ensuring our students have a full and balanced education.
If you or your child have any concerns, please remember that:
· we have taken advice from the experts and actioned it all;
· both Public Health England and Department of Education state there is no need for any pupils or staff to self-isolate;
· Public Health England and Department of Education are happy with our systems. They are robust and ensure students can receive a full education safely. We have embedded well-established start and end routines to all lessons, kept the year group bubbles separate, incorporated staggered start and finish times, different break and lunchtimes and intensive cleaning systems throughout the day.
It is because of the above that we are able to continue safely and therefore it is very important we attend school. Please see attached guidance from Public Health England for families so that it is available to you should you need it.
Yours sincerely
James Habberley