
Through our ‘MFL learning journey’, St George students will develop their linguistic and cultural capital, while cultivating a thirst for knowledge and the ability to communicate in and manipulate languages.

We aim to build students’ confidence, resilience and independence in language learning, encouraging them to take risks, ask questions and enjoy a challenge.

Cultural content is embedded throughout the curriculum, to engage and inspire our young learners, and to develop their ‘cultural literacy’. Students gain a greater understanding of, curiosity about and appreciation of cultural differences, grounded in the Catholic values of tolerance and respect.

Students leave us as open-minded global citizens, with the skills they need to succeed in their chosen ‘next steps’, and an understanding of the value of languages for life beyond the classroom.

All of our students study either French or Spanish in Year 7 and Year 8. (In Year 6, they can state a preference for which language they would like to study, if they wish)

  • Y8 & 9: 4 lessons per fortnight
  • Y9: 5 lessons per fortnight
  • Y10 & 11: 6 lessons per fortnight


At St George, we begin KS3 using Expo (1-2-3). These are topic-based courses, underpinned by a clear grammatical progression, which are suitable for students of a wide range of abilities.

At KS4, we use Studio ActiveLearn, an interactive online resource which brings a wealth of activities, games, audio and video clips to engage the pupils.

Grammar & Translation and Vocabulary revision books are available for purchase at KS4.


At St George, we use Viva ActiveLearn for all year groups. These are topic-based courses, underpinned by a clear grammatical progression, which are suitable for students of a wide range of abilities. The interactive resource also offers a variety of activities, games, audio and video clips to engage pupils.

Grammar & Translation and Vocabularly revision books are available for purchase at KS4.

Homework/ Assessment

Each half term, all students will complete one formal assessment, at least two spelling tests and other homework (e.g. a small paragraph to write/ grammar worksheet) that the teacher judges necessary. Quizlet may also be made available for online vocabulary revision; we recommend that students use this often to help them make the best possible progress.

The half termly assessments are as follows:

Term 1a

Y7-10: Reading Assessment
Y11: Reading and Listening assessments

Term 1b

Y7-10: Speaking Assessment
Y11: Mocks

Term 2a

Y7-8: Listening assessment

Y9-10: Writing Assessment
Y11: In-class exam practice

Term 2b

Y7-8: Writing assessment
Y9-10: Listening assessment
Y11: Mocks

Term 3a

Y7-9: Reading assessment
Y10: Mocks
Y11: Final exams

Term 3b Film project